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How Good Found Me In A Bad Neighborhood
"It occurred to me a little too late that I was in a sketchy part of town. In anticipation of making it to my massage appointment, I had actually gotten off my bus five blocks before my stop. I was young and clearly a college student...I stuck out like a sore thumb in the southern town. Yet, even with my fingers trembling I was convinced that I would be perfectly safe, that I didn't have to rely o... posted on Dec 30 2011, 12,407 reads


Ways To Go Green In 2012
As we head into 2012, many of us will be resolving to lose those few extra pounds, save more money, or spend a few more hours with our families and friends. But there are also some resolutions we can make to make our lives a little greener. Each of us can make a commitment to reducing our environmental impacts. This article offers a set of simple starting points -- ranging from recycling and plant... posted on Dec 29 2011, 14,176 reads


Illiterate Fisherman at 90, Literary Star at 98!
He may not have learned to read and write until he was 91, but Jim Henry is becoming a literary star. The retired lobsterman now 98-years-old released his book, "In a Fisherman's Language" last month. And ever since he and his family have found themselves immersed in a world of book printings, agents, publicity and film rights. People from not just around the country but the world are clamoring f... posted on Dec 28 2011, 7,620 reads


5 Reasons Why We Serve
In a world dominated by financial incentives that appeal to a mindset of consumption, it becomes all the more critical to turn the tide by engaging in small acts of generosity and continually shifting the mindset towards one of inspired contribution. It's a beautiful fact that in practicing kindness in this way, we can't help but deepen our understanding of how inner and outer change are fundament... posted on Dec 27 2011, 37,733 reads


Love, the Most Powerful Medicine
For a brief time, hospice nurse Dean Nash is able to break down the barriers of sickness and the reality of dying through his 10-year-old Australian Shepherd, Stormy. Bringing Stormy into the Crossroads Hospice, Nash says, offers patients unconditional love -- allowing them to temporarily forget about dying and instead focus on the delight of a "ball of fur and a wet nose" to lift their spirits." ... posted on Dec 26 2011, 6,340 reads


Seven Tips for Fostering Generosity
"We all know gift giving is an essential, ritualized part of the holidays. But what about the rest of the year? There's good reason to practice generosity even after you've greeted the New Year. As we've reported in the past, giving activates parts of the brain associated with pleasure and social connection; releases endorphins in the brain, producing a 'helper's high'; and provides many long-term... posted on Dec 25 2011, 12,403 reads


4 Misconceptions About the Simple Life
"It is important to recognize inaccurate stereotypes about the simple life because they make it seem impractical and ill suited for responding to increasingly critical breakdowns in world systems. Four misconceptions about the simple life are so common they deserve special attention. These are, equating simplicity with: poverty, rural living, living without beauty and economic stagnation. A centra... posted on Dec 24 2011, 32,132 reads


A 13-yr-old Secret Santa
For the second straight Christmas, a philanthropist from Utah's Capitol Hill has been warming the hearts of the homeless and brightening the smiles of hundreds of their children. The benefactor works year-round raising money, networking with businesses, buying and wrapping gifts, and encouraging random residents to pitch in with presents the underprivileged kids otherwise would never see. Jocelyn ... posted on Dec 23 2011, 9,716 reads


The Neuropsychology of "Don't Worry, Be Happy"
"In 1988, Bobby McFerrin wrote one of the most beloved anthems to happiness of all time. On September 24 that year, 'Don't Worry Be Happy' became the first a cappella song to reach #1 on the Billboard Top 100 Chart. But more than a mere feel-good tune, the iconic song is brimming with neuroscience and psychology insights on happiness that McFerrin -- whose fascinating musings on music and the brai... posted on Dec 22 2011, 40,941 reads


The Three Building Blocks of Virtue
"Depending on what you paid attention to in school, you might remember Confucius by the Silver Rule ("Do not do to others..."), his exotic concepts (e.g., filial piety), or a series of grammar-challenged jokes ("Confucius say..."). Confucius did have a lot to say, but if there is one principle that runs through his philosophy, it's that personal virtue is the way to the good life and the good soci... posted on Dec 21 2011, 16,040 reads


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You cannot look in a new direction by looking harder in the same direction.
Edward de Bono

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